sewage sludge
By Isabelle Z.
Cities dumping human sewage on farm land across America is contaminating the food supply and destroying the ecosystem
Since the EPA started promoting the “land application” of sewage sludge in 1993, millions of tons of this toxic biosludge have been spread on the farmland and public parks in our nation. It also sometimes makes its way to the organic compost and fertilizer section of your favorite garden supply store. What happens to it […]
By David Gutierrez
Disgusting “environmental crimes” against America covered up with EPA quack science
For years, the Environmental Protection Agency has relied on fake science and suppression of criticism to enable the wastewater industry to profit by spreading nominally treated sewage sludge over parks, playgrounds, farms and forests — and calling it organic fertilizer! The fertilizer in question is formally known as “biosolids.” It starts out as sewage sludge, […]
By Vicki Batts
Toxic human sewage and industrial waste routinely spread onto farm fields under insane EPA rule
Would you eat food grown in soil that had been fertilized with human feces? There’s a good chance that you already have, and you probably didn’t even know it. Under the EPA’s controversial 503 rule, human waste has been approved for so-called land application, provided it has undergone treatment that supposedly transforms sewage sludge into […]
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