In a disconnect of mammoth proportions, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just acknowledged the threat to bee populations …
At the end of November, it was announced that the Environmental Protection Agency’s Inspector General would finally be examining the …
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which was founded in 1970, is now considered a rogue agency which has outlived …
As one of its closing acts before leaving the stage, the Obama administration plans to relax EPA guidelines regarding maximum …
The Environmental Protection Agency is very likely the most abusive, over-regulatory, economy-killing bureaucracy within the federal government. Now, I’m adding …
When it comes to government regulatory agencies, you are never right and they are never wrong. That is especially true …
Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy, but his latest choice has been sending heads a-spinning. Trump has chosen Oklahoma …
A prenatal ultrasound test can definitively reveal whether a human who is safely developing in the womb is male or female. And …
Erin Brockovich brought chromium-6 to fame when she railed against a power company that had been polluting the water in …
The EPA can no longer be trusted to protect Americans from toxic lead in the water supply. In an effort …