News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
A 40-year history of deceit and collusion: How the EPA has been lying to you about the health hazards of pesticides
For the first time ever, the world has access to thousands of pages of formerly concealed documents that reveal the true extent of chemical industry corruption in our country. It’s all part of a project known as the “Poison Papers,” which covers more than four decades’ worth of collusion between chemical companies and the Environmental […]
By Ethan Huff
Evidence is “overwhelming,” says EPA scientist, that pesticides contribute to cancer risk
The ugly truth that government-approved chemicals applied daily to American crop fields cause cancer is finally seeing the light of day, thanks in large part to the release of a trove of never-before-seen documents known collectively as the “Poison Papers.” Released by the Bioscience Resource Project (BRP) in collaboration with the Center for Media and […]
By Ethan Huff
Is the EPA really an environmental agency? Documents reveal their active agenda to suppress relevant science
Many on the left are convinced that President Trump couldn’t care less about the environment because he’s spoken about restructuring and even scrapping certain elements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But evidence suggests that the EPA doesn’t really care about the environment, either, and that it actively suppresses relevant scientific information that threatens the […]
By Ethan Huff
PROOF that liberals despise real science: EPA’s Scott Pruitt attacked for daring to require full transparency of scientific evidence behind EPA regulations
The so-called “Party of Science” is livid about new plans by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Scott Pruitt to make the agency’s scientific regulatory process more transparent. Leftist “environmentalists” say that revamping the EPA’s rule-making procedures to be more open and honest in the public interest will be to burdensome to the EPA, which […]
By Ethan Huff
Liberals freak out as EPA plans to bring full transparency to the science behind its regulatory decisions
It’s been quite a long while since the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has had to procure actual scientific evidence to back its regulatory decision-making process. But things are changing under the leadership of Scott Pruitt, an appointee of President Donald Trump, and the entrenched liberal mafia that has long controlled the narrative of “environmental […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate spin: Documents reveal EPA’s projection of reducing “premature deaths” with clean power was grossly misleading – reduction of carbon dioxide would NOT prevent deaths
If you could sum up Barack Obama’s legacy as a leader in just one word, it would be “deception.” The Lord of Lies appears to have instructed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) several years back to fabricate statistics about the alleged benefits of his so-called “Clean Power Plan” which, contrary to what the agency under […]
By Ethan Huff
Omega-3 benefits for brain health are well documented; now researchers have determined they help prevent Alzheimer’s
As mainstream science continues to pour endless money into trying to find that ever elusive “cure” for Alzheimer’s disease, researchers from Texas have been busy identifying more of the ways that natural omega-3 fatty acids can help to protect the brain against this horrible degenerative disease. In a recent study published in the Journal of […]
By Ethan Huff
Chelsea Clinton wants the same EPA that caused the Gold King Mine disaster to somehow clean up Houston
Clearly under the delusion that she’s somehow important simply because her parents are famous for their shady criminal behavior that continues to go unpunished, Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, had some negative things to say via Twitter recently about the Houston tragedy brought about by Hurricane Harvey. Reports indicate that […]
By Ethan Huff
Monsanto finally exposed as the puppet master behind the effort to retract Seralini’s GMO study
Just like many people thought was the case, the Monsanto corporation has been exposed for conspiring to have an indicating study on its popular Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide pulled from the scientific journals. Internal Monsanto documents recently released by attorneys reveal that Monsanto launched an aggressive campaign to have Gilles-Eric Séralini’s study showing that Roundup causes […]
By Ethan Huff
Dicamba “drift” destroying crops downwind from application sites of Monsanto’s toxic herbicide
It’s one of the most controversial issues in modern agriculture: persistent crop chemicals of a highly toxic nature that spread unabated beyond the field. The experts call this “drift,” and one herbicide in particular that’s causing major problems in this regard is dicamba, also known as “Xtend,” a broad-leafed Monsanto weedkiller product commonly applied to […]
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